Australian Political Parties - Z Donors

Donation data is sourced from the Australian Electoral Commission.

Errors may have been introduced in transcription; you should verify figures using the original reports where possible.

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Donor 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Zac Beers $2,500 $1,000
Zafcan Pty Ltd $100,000 $100,000
Zaparas Lawyers $7,500 $51,100 $30,000 $27,200 $16,350
Zarraffas Roastery $20,000
Zen Residences Management P/L $1,000
Zenith Pty Ltd $2,200
Zest $19,649 $118,159
Zhaokai Su (Ken Su) $70,000
Zhongfu Investments Pty Ltd $3,655,946
Zi Chun WANG $850,000
Zip Heaters (Aust) Pty Ltd $40,000 $31,500 $100,000
Zip Industries $75,000
ZJF Investments Pty Ltd $20,000
Zoe Davis $8,000
Zupp Property Group $16,500 $91,500 $50,000
Zytt Pty Ltd $26,600

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