John Cobb

Representative for Calare, New South Wales

The Nationals

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Expenses for 2012

Source PDFs: Jan - Jun 2012 | Jul - Dec 2012

Other Periods: 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016

Total Expenditure: $458,957.94

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Travelling Allowance
+ Parliamentary Travelling Allowance
Date From Date To Location Details Nights Rate Spouse Amount
1 Feb 12 2 Feb 12 Canberra Shadow Minister - Official Business 2 $253.00 $506.00
6 Feb 12 8 Feb 12 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 3 $253.00 $759.00
12 Feb 12 16 Feb 12 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 5 $253.00 $1,265.00
18 Feb 12 18 Feb 12 Portland Electorate Business 1 $264.00 $264.00
26 Feb 12 29 Feb 12 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 4 $253.00 $1,012.00
11 Mar 12 11 Mar 12 Shepparton Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $240.00 $240.00
12 Mar 12 14 Mar 12 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 3 $253.00 $759.00
15 Mar 12 15 Mar 12 Sydney Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $363.00 $363.00
18 Mar 12 21 Mar 12 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 4 $253.00 $1,012.00
22 Mar 12 22 Mar 12 Melbourne Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $354.00 $354.00
28 Mar 12 28 Mar 12 Bathurst Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $264.00 $264.00
16 Apr 12 16 Apr 12 Canowindra Electorate Business 1 $240.00 $240.00
19 Apr 12 19 Apr 12 Bathurst Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $264.00 $264.00
30 Apr 12 30 Apr 12 Bathurst Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $264.00 $264.00
2 May 12 2 May 12 Melbourne Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $354.00 $354.00
4 May 12 4 May 12 Broken Hill Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $264.00 $264.00
7 May 12 10 May 12 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 4 $253.00 $1,012.00
11 May 12 11 May 12 Lithgow Electorate Business 1 $240.00 $240.00
20 May 12 23 May 12 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 4 $253.00 $1,012.00
27 May 12 30 May 12 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 4 $253.00 $1,012.00
6 Jun 12 7 Jun 12 Perth Shadow Minister - Official Business 2 $364.00 $728.00
12 Jun 12 12 Jun 12 Bundaberg Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $264.00 $264.00
13 Jun 12 13 Jun 12 Biggenden Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $240.00 $240.00
14 Jun 12 14 Jun 12 Wondai Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $240.00 $240.00
5 Jul 12 5 Jul 12 Darwin Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $123.00 $123.00
6 Jul 12 7 Jul 12 Alice Springs Shadow Minister - Official Business 2 $264.00 $528.00
16 Jul 12 16 Jul 12 Adelaide Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $323.00 $323.00
19 Jul 12 19 Jul 12 Bathurst Electorate Business 1 $264.00 $264.00
31 Jul 12 31 Jul 12 Cairns Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $265.00 $265.00
1 Aug 12 1 Aug 12 Sydney Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $363.00 $363.00
6 Aug 12 6 Aug 12 Bathurst Electorate Business 1 $264.00 $264.00
13 Aug 12 15 Aug 12 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 3 $253.00 $759.00
19 Aug 12 22 Aug 12 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 4 $253.00 $1,012.00
23 Aug 12 23 Aug 12 Sydney Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $363.00 $363.00
29 Aug 12 29 Aug 12 Sydney Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $372.00 $372.00
30 Aug 12 30 Aug 12 Sydney Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $124.00 $124.00
31 Aug 12 31 Aug 12 Sydney Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $372.00 $372.00
4 Sep 12 5 Sep 12 Brisbane Shadow Minister - Official Business 2 $376.00 $752.00
9 Sep 12 13 Sep 12 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 5 $260.00 $1,300.00
15 Sep 12 15 Sep 12 Canberra Parliamentary Political Party 1 $260.00 $260.00
16 Sep 12 19 Sep 12 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 4 $260.00 $1,040.00
25 Sep 12 25 Sep 12 Brisbane Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $376.00 $376.00
26 Sep 12 26 Sep 12 Sydney Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $372.00 $372.00
2 Oct 12 3 Oct 12 Melbourne Shadow Minister - Official Business 2 $371.00 $742.00
4 Oct 12 4 Oct 12 Sydney Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $372.00 $372.00
8 Oct 12 10 Oct 12 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 3 $260.00 $780.00
11 Oct 12 11 Oct 12 Sydney Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $372.00 $372.00
22 Oct 12 22 Oct 12 Wagga Wagga Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $277.00 $277.00
28 Oct 12 31 Oct 12 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 4 $260.00 $1,040.00
6 Nov 12 6 Nov 12 Melbourne Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $371.00 $371.00
7 Nov 12 7 Nov 12 Melbourne Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $371.00 $371.00
8 Nov 12 8 Nov 12 Melbourne Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $251.00 $251.00
9 Nov 12 9 Nov 12 Sydney Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $372.00 $372.00
19 Nov 12 19 Nov 12 Sydney Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $372.00 $372.00
20 Nov 12 20 Nov 12 Lismore Shadow Minister - Official Business 1 $251.00 $251.00
25 Nov 12 28 Nov 12 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 4 $260.00 $1,040.00
17 Jun 12 21 Jun 12 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 5 $253.00 $1,265.00
22 Jun 12 23 Jun 12 Mittagong Parliamentary Political Party 2 $240.00 $240.00
22 Jun 12 23 Jun 12 Mittagong Parliamentary Political Party 2 $240.00 $240.00
24 Jun 12 28 Jun 12 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 5 $253.00 $1,265.00
Domestic Scheduled Fares
+ Fares
Details Amount Notes
22 Feb 12 - Orange to Sydney $537.38
23 Feb 12 - Sydney to Orange
22 Feb 12 - Sydney to Adelaide $719.45
23 Feb 12 - Adelaide to Sydney $476.64
11 Mar 12 - Orange to Sydney $452.10
11 Mar 12 - Sydney to Albury
12 Mar 12 - Orange to Sydney $268.69 13
12 Mar 12 - Melbourne to Canberra $482.74
15 Mar 12 - Canberra to Sydney $232.58
16 Mar 12 - Sydney to Bathurst $257.73
22 Mar 12 - Canberra to Melbourne $965.48
23 Mar 12 - Melbourne to Canberra
18 Apr 12 - Sydney to Orange $268.69
18 Apr 12 - Orange to Sydney $268.69
27 Apr 12 - Orange to Sydney $537.38
27 Apr 12 - Sydney to Orange
2 May 12 - Orange to Sydney $537.38
3 May 12 - Sydney to Orange
2 May 12 - Sydney to Brisbane $1,531.60
2 May 12 - Brisbane to Melbourne
3 May 12 - Melbourne to Sydney $336.64
4 May 12 - Dubbo to Broken Hill $365.02
5 May 12 - Broken Hill to Sydney $444.60
6 Jun 12 - Orange to Sydney $268.69
6 Jun 12 - Sydney to Perth $624.60
8 Jun 12 - Perth to Broome $3,110.80
8 Jun 12 - Broome to Perth
8 Jun 12 - Perth to Sydney
12 Jun 12 - Orange to Sydney $537.38
15 Jun 12 - Sydney to Orange
12 Jun 12 - Sydney to Brisbane $930.51
12 Jun 12 - Brisbane to Bundaberg
15 Jun 12 - Brisbane to Sydney $171.82
15 Jun 12 - Gladstone to Brisbane $355.09
5 Jul 12 - Sydney to Darwin $639.55
13 Sector not flown. Non-refundable fare.
5 Dec 11 - Orange to Sydney $610.49
5 Dec 11 - Sydney to Ballina Airport
9 Dec 11 - Sydney to Orange $268.69
5 Jul 12 - Orange to Sydney $277.49
6 Jul 12 - Darwin to Alice Springs $1,617.48
8 Jul 12 - Alice Springs to Sydney
16 Jul 12 - Orange to Sydney $277.49
16 Jul 12 - Sydney to Adelaide $975.14
17 Jul 12 - Adelaide to Sydney
31 Jul 12 - Bathurst to Sydney $266.53
31 Jul 12 - Sydney to Cairns $639.55
1 Aug 12 - Cairns to Sydney $1,136.25
2 Aug 12 - Sydney to Orange $277.49
23 Aug 12 - Canberra to Sydney $416.68
24 Aug 12 - Sydney to Parkes $359.00
29 Aug 12 - Canberra to Sydney $273.00
1 Sep 12 - Sydney to Bathurst $266.53
4 Sep 12 - Dubbo to Sydney $223.09
4 Sep 12 - Sydney to Brisbane $365.91
6 Sep 12 - Sydney to Orange $277.49
6 Sep 12 - Brisbane to Sydney $365.91
25 Sep 12 - Orange to Sydney $277.90
25 Sep 12 - Sydney to Brisbane $365.91
26 Sep 12 - Brisbane to Bundaberg $1,248.51
26 Sep 12 - Bundaberg to Brisbane
26 Sep 12 - Brisbane to Sydney
27 Sep 12 - Sydney to Orange $277.90
2 Oct 12 - Orange to Sydney $277.90
2 Oct 12 - Sydney to Melbourne $365.91
4 Oct 12 - Melbourne to Mildura $258.19
4 Oct 12 - Mildura to Melbourne $864.52
4 Oct 12 - Melbourne to Sydney
5 Oct 12 - Sydney to Orange $281.90
5 Oct 12 - Sydney to Coffs Harbour $653.24
5 Oct 12 - Coffs Harbour to Sydney
11 Oct 12 - Canberra to Sydney $416.68
16 Oct 12 - Sydney to Orange $281.90
19 Oct 12 - Orange to Sydney $548.43
19 Oct 12 - Sydney to Bathurst
6 Nov 12 - Orange to Sydney $281.90
6 Nov 12 - Sydney to Melbourne $578.42
7 Nov 12 - Melbourne to Perth $2,882.68
7 Nov 12 - Perth to Melbourne
9 Nov 12 - Melbourne to Sydney $578.42
19 Nov 12 - Orange to Sydney $934.83
20 Nov 12 - Sydney to Lismore
21 Nov 12 - Sydney to Orange
21 Nov 12 - Ballina Airport to Sydney $165.45
11 Dec 12 - Orange to Sydney $571.80
11 Dec 12 - Sydney to Orange
+ Electorate
Details Amount Notes
1 Jan 12 - Orange to Orange -$758.84 **
1 Jan 12 - Orange to Orange $1,850.00
31 Jan 12 - Orange to Orange $1,000.81
1 Feb 12 - Orange to Orange $1,748.17
28 Feb 12 - Orange to Orange -$758.84 **
28 Feb 12 - Orange to Orange $1,850.00
3 Mar 12 - Orange to Orange $862.92
31 Mar 12 - Orange to Orange -$758.84 **
31 Mar 12 - Orange to Orange $1,850.00
26 Apr 12 - Orange to Orange $1,091.16
29 May 12 - Orange to Orange $1,091.16
** Adjustment by Member. Member initiated.
29 Sep 11 - Orange to Orange -$758.84 **
28 Nov 11 - Orange to Orange -$758.84 **
28 Dec 11 - Orange to Orange -$758.84 **
28 Dec 11 - Orange to Orange $1,850.00
** Adjustment by Member. Member initiated.
1 Jul 12 - Orange to Orange $1,091.16
1 Aug 12 - Orange to Orange $1,091.16
31 Aug 12 - Orange to Orange $1,131.15
1 Jun 12 - Orange to Orange $1,091.16
Car Costs
+ Private-Plated Vehicle
Details Amount
Lease 1 Jan to 31 Jan 12 $691.25
Lease 1 Jan to 31 Jan 12 $1,383.69
Fuel 2 Jan to 26 Jan 12 $246.22
Admin charge 22 Jan 12 $0.36
Fuel 1 Feb to 26 Feb 12 $254.16
Lease 1 Feb to 29 Feb 12 $691.25
Lease 1 Feb to 29 Feb 12 $1,383.69
Fuel 10 Feb to 20 Feb 12 $302.96
Lease adj 1 Mar to 25 Mar 12 -$66.89
Lease 1 Mar to 25 Mar 12 $557.46
Lease 1 Mar to 31 Mar 12 $1,383.69
Lease adj 1 Mar to 31 Mar 12 -$541.86
Fuel 7 Mar 12 $91.24
Lease 22 Mar to 31 Mar 12 $277.37
Fuel 26 Mar to 11 Apr 12 $444.82
Lease 1 Apr to 30 Apr 12 $859.88
Lease 1 Apr to 30 Apr 12 $1,383.69
Lease adj 1 Apr to 30 Apr 12 -$541.86
Admin charge 7 Apr 12 $0.36
Fuel 14 Apr to 28 Apr 12 $408.39
Admin charge 15 Apr 12 $0.36
ACT B Class parking permit 16 Apr 12 $35.91
Admin charge 30 Apr 12 $0.36
Lease 1 May to 31 May 12 $859.88
Lease 1 May to 31 May 12 $841.83
Lease 1 Jun to 30 Jun 12 $859.88
Lease 1 Jun to 17 Jun 12 $477.05
LESS Personal Contribution for Private-Plated Vehicle -$264.10
Fuel 8 Nov to 29 Nov 11 $424.48
Fuel 9 Nov to 3 Dec 11 $151.60
Admin charge 22 Nov 11 $0.36
Infringement notice fee 25 Nov 11 $25.00
Infringement notice fee 25 Nov 11 $25.00
Reimb of infringement notice fee 25 Nov 11 -$25.00
Reimb of infringement notice fee 25 Nov 11 -$25.00
Infringement notice fee 26 Nov 11 $25.00
Reimb of infringement notice fee 26 Nov 11 -$25.00
Fuel 29 Nov 11 $18.18
Admin charge 30 Nov 11 $0.36
Fuel 1 Dec to 23 Dec 11 $547.51
Admin charge 15 Dec 11 $0.36
Additional maintenance 22 Dec 11 $420.81
Lease 1 Jul to 31 Jul 12 $859.88
Lease 1 Jul to 31 Jul 12 $1,308.89
Fuel 3 Jul 12 $54.24
Fuel 10 Jul to 9 Aug 12 $457.56
Fuel 12 Jul 12 $72.79
Lease 1 Aug to 31 Aug 12 $859.88
Fuel 1 Aug to 16 Sep 12 $634.45
Lease 1 Aug to 31 Aug 12 $1,308.89
Fuel 5 Aug to 14 Sep 12 $232.93
Fuel 19 Aug 12 $27.14
Admin charge 22 Aug 12 $0.36
Admin charge 31 Aug 12 $0.36
Lease 1 Sep to 30 Sep 12 $859.88
Lease 1 Sep to 30 Sep 12 $1,308.89
Fuel 1 Sep to 30 Sep 12 $384.83
Infringement notice fee 14 Sep 12 $25.00
Lease 1 Oct to 31 Oct 12 $859.88
Lease 1 Oct to 31 Oct 12 $1,308.89
Fuel 15 Oct to 31 Oct 12 $590.28
Lease 1 Nov to 30 Nov 12 $859.88
Lease 1 Nov to 30 Nov 12 $1,308.89
Lease 1 Dec to 31 Dec 12 $859.88
Fuel 1 Dec 12 $46.59
Lease 1 Dec to 31 Dec 12 $1,308.89
Fuel 23 Apr to 6 Jun 12 $568.66
Fuel 10 May to 27 May 12 $238.56
Fuel 1 Jun to 24 Jun 12 $207.54
Lease 18 Jun to 30 Jun 12 $364.80
End of lease adj 18 Jun to 30 Jun 12 -$55.87
Car cleaning 21 Jun 12 $16.36
Fuel 21 Jun to 25 Jun 12 $94.54
Lease 28 Jun to 30 Jun 12 $130.90
Admin charge 28 Jun 12 $0.36
Details Amount
1 Feb 12 - Canberra $628.80
9 Feb 12 - Canberra $733.60
12 Feb 12 - Canberra $517.45
22 Feb 12 - Adelaide $118.41
22 Feb 12 - Adelaide $62.85
23 Feb 12 - Adelaide $40.00
12 Mar 12 - Canberra $80.41
12 Mar 12 - Melbourne $78.60
15 Mar 12 - Sydney $59.28
16 Mar 12 - Sydney $52.40
18 Mar 12 - Canberra $884.00
22 Mar 12 - Melbourne $97.16
22 Mar 12 - Melbourne $115.25
23 Mar 12 - Canberra $596.56
23 Mar 12 - Melbourne $48.87
23 Mar 12 - Melbourne $53.70
18 Apr 12 - Sydney $221.93
18 Apr 12 - Sydney $85.15
27 Apr 12 - Sydney $52.45
27 Apr 12 - Sydney $57.65
2 May 12 - Melbourne $45.46
2 May 12 - Brisbane $93.33
2 May 12 - Brisbane $44.23
2 May 12 - Sydney $60.58
2 May 12 - Sydney $44.55
3 May 12 - Melbourne $40.00
3 May 12 - Melbourne $79.03
5 May 12 - Sydney $697.43
7 May 12 - Canberra $584.25
31 May 12 - Canberra $569.80
6 Jun 12 - Perth $48.45
6 Jun 12 - Perth $78.60
7 Jun 12 - Perth $40.00
7 Jun 12 - Perth $127.05
8 Jun 12 - Perth $40.00
9 Jun 12 - Sydney $328.00
17 Jun 12 - Canberra $725.00
20 Nov 11 - Canberra $725.00
8 Dec 11 - Townsville $29.37
9 Dec 11 - Brisbane $25.50
+ Cabcharge
Details Amount
1 Feb 12 $8.07
29 Feb 12 $22.05
13 Mar 12 $10.85
5 Dec 11 $52.37
6 Dec 11 $12.71
6 Dec 11 $13.82
30 Aug 12 $31.89
10 Nov 12 $42.99
+ Hire Car
Details Amount
Broken Hill 4 May to 5 May 12 $133.18
+ Other Car Costs
Details Amount
Darwin 5 Jul to 7 Jul 12 $142.81
Alice Springs 6 Jul to 8 Jul 12 $341.83
Office Facilities
+ Office Facilities
Details Amount
Aggregated Total (From 1 January 2012) $64,678.70
Aggregated Total (Before 1 January 2012) $3,396.36
Aggregated Total (From 1 July 2012) $76,131.79
Aggregated Total (Before 1 July 2012) $11,940.15
Office Fit Outs
+ Office Fit Outs
Details Amount
Aggregated Total (From 1 January 2012) $743.34
Aggregated Total (Before 1 July 2012) $455.00
Office Administrative Costs
+ Office Consumables and Services
Details Amount
Office requisites and stationery 1 Jan to 31 Jan 12 $223.65
Occupational health and safety 1 Jan to 31 Jan 12 $38.75
Photocopier usage 20 Jan to 20 Mar 12 $65.39
Office requisites and stationery 1 Feb to 29 Feb 12 $1,009.14
Photocopy paper 1 Feb to 29 Feb 12 $273.83
Printer consumables 1 Feb to 29 Feb 12 $2,736.13
Flags 14 Feb 12 $185.45
Flags 14 Feb 12 $185.45
Flags 14 Feb 12 $258.19
Photocopy paper 1 Mar to 31 Mar 12 $90.27
Photocopier usage 20 Mar to 20 Apr 12 $16.62
Flags 26 Mar 12 $540.91
Flags 26 Mar 12 $1,050.00
Freight costs 26 Mar 12 $31.82
Freight costs 26 Mar 12 $45.45
Freight costs 26 Mar 12 $31.82
Freight costs 26 Mar 12 $9.09
Flags 26 Mar 12 $240.00
Flags 26 Mar 12 $160.00
Flags 26 Mar 12 $260.00
Flags 26 Mar 12 $163.60
Office requisites and stationery 1 Apr to 30 Apr 12 $1,200.18
Photocopy paper 1 Apr to 30 Apr 12 $609.87
Printer consumables 1 Apr to 30 Apr 12 $6,492.45
Freight costs 2 Apr 12 $35.17
Office requisites and stationery 1 May to 31 May 12 $3,271.33
Photocopy paper 1 May to 31 May 12 $2,520.46
Printer consumables 1 May to 31 May 12 $2,896.87
Digital cameras 1 May to 31 May 12 $953.64
Photocopier usage 20 Oct 09 to 20 Dec 11 $22.46
Photocopier usage 20 Nov to 20 Dec 11 $11.86
Office requisites and stationery 1 Dec to 31 Dec 11 $753.32
Occupational health and safety 1 Dec to 31 Dec 11 $246.37
Printer consumables 1 Dec to 31 Dec 11 $17.73
Photocopier usage 20 Dec 11 to 20 Jan 12 $24.65
General office consumables 1 Jul to 31 Jul 12 $1,497.91
Digital cameras 1 Jul to 31 Jul 12 $198.18
Flags 27 Jul 12 $350.00
Flags 27 Jul 12 $540.91
Flags 27 Jul 12 $690.91
Flags 27 Jul 12 $700.00
General office consumables 1 Aug to 31 Aug 12 $101.55
General office consumables 1 Sep to 30 Sep 12 $543.27
Occupational health and safety 1 Sep to 30 Sep 12 $1.68
General office consumables 1 Oct to 31 Oct 12 $2,095.80
Photocopy paper 1 Oct to 31 Oct 12 $2.90
Occupational health and safety 1 Oct to 31 Oct 12 $95.92
Occupational health and safety 1 Oct to 31 Oct 12 $720.53
General office consumables 1 Nov to 30 Nov 12 $290.89
Flags 7 Dec 12 $350.00
Flags 7 Dec 12 $700.00
Flags 7 Dec 12 $1,081.82
Dishwasher 2 Jun 11 $580.91
Radio 3 Jun 11 $104.55
Photocopier usage 20 Dec 11 to 20 Jun 12 $43.00
3 Toner cartridges 12 Apr 12 $580.50
Photocopier usage 20 Apr to 20 Jun 12 $15.37
Office requisites and stationery 1 Jun to 30 Jun 12 $4,636.97
Photocopy paper 1 Jun to 30 Jun 12 $391.78
Printer consumables 1 Jun to 30 Jun 12 $388.24
+ Printing and Communications
Details Amount
Distribution 1 Jan to 31 Jan 12 $461.58
Distribution credit 1 Jan to 31 Jan 12 -$11.36
Web-services 23 Jan 12 $1,330.00
Distribution credit 1 Feb to 29 Feb 12 -$11.36
Distribution 1 Feb to 29 Feb 12 $600.95
1,000 Personalised letterhead stationery 14 Feb 12 $245.00
1 Printed item 16 Feb 12 $106.30
Distribution credit 1 Mar to 31 Mar 12 -$11.36
Distribution 1 Mar to 31 Mar 12 $8,713.25
Printing 19 Mar 12 $190.91
1 Printed item 23 Mar 12 $190.90
70,000 Printed items 26 Mar 12 $11,951.00
2 Printed items 29 Mar 12 $240.00
PO Box 673 rental 1 Apr 12 to 31 Mar 13 $129.09
PO Box 54 rental 1 Apr 12 to 31 Mar 13 $129.09
PO Box 54 rental credit 1 Apr 12 to 31 Mar 13 -$4.55
PO Box 673 rental credit 1 Apr 12 to 31 Mar 13 -$4.55
Distribution credit 1 Apr to 30 Apr 12 -$11.36
Distribution 1 Apr to 30 Apr 12 $584.22
3,400 Printed items 2 Apr 12 $2,245.00
Distribution 1 May to 31 May 12 $455.35
Distribution credit 1 May to 31 May 12 -$11.36
10,000 Printed items 30 Nov 11 $2,599.00
Distribution credit 1 Dec to 31 Dec 11 -$22.73
Distribution late payment fee Dec 11 $15.00
Distribution 1 Dec to 31 Dec 11 $1,021.67
1 Printed item 15 Dec 11 $436.36
1 Printed item 21 Dec 11 $35.00
Distribution 1 Jul to 31 Jul 12 $819.38
Distribution late payment fee Jul 12 $15.00
1 Printed item 14 Jul 12 $71.82
1 Printed item 26 Jul 12 $209.09
Distribution 1 Aug to 31 Aug 12 $171.87
1 Printed item 9 Aug 12 $70.44
1 Printed item 9 Aug 12 $68.16
Distribution 1 Sep to 30 Sep 12 $61.18
Distribution 1 Sep to 30 Sep 12 $24.00
Distribution 1 Oct to 31 Oct 12 $125.83
Distribution 1 Nov to 30 Nov 12 $191.63
800 Printed items 5 Nov 12 $580.00
PO Box 54 rental 7 Jun 11 to 31 Mar 12 $109.55
Distribution 1 Jun to 30 Jun 12 $14,801.94
Distribution credit 1 Jun to 30 Jun 12 -$181.82
2,000 Printed items 15 Jun 12 $654.00
7,500 Personalised letterhead stationery 15 Jun 12 $963.00
66,000 Printed items 18 Jun 12 $15,835.00
2,000 Printed items 25 Jun 12 $1,686.00
8 Printed items 26 Jun 12 $1,040.00
10,000 Printed items 26 Jun 12 $1,624.55
2,000 Personalised letterhead stationery 26 Jun 12 $1,627.27
1,500 Personalised letterhead stationery 26 Jun 12 $812.00
17,006 Printed items 26 Jun 12 $15,393.00
Web-services 27 Jun 12 $398.18
Web-services 27 Jun 12 $4,531.82
2 Printed items 30 Jun 12 $454.48
2 Printed items 30 Jun 12 $39.52
+ Publications
Details Amount
4 Central Western Daily (Sat) 2 Jan to 29 Jan 12 $5.82
4 Western Advocate (Sat) 2 Jan to 29 Jan 12 $5.45
4 Oberon Review 2 Jan to 29 Jan 12 $5.45
19 The Sydney Morning Herald 2 Jan to 29 Jan 12 $25.91
4 The Daily Telegraph (Sat) 2 Jan to 29 Jan 12 $5.82
19 Central Western Daily 2 Jan to 29 Jan 12 $25.91
4 Blayney Chronicle 2 Jan to 29 Jan 12 $5.45
Administrative fees 2 Jan to 29 Jan 12 $4.55
4 The Weekend Australian 2 Jan to 29 Jan 12 $9.45
4 Forbes Advocate (Sat) 2 Jan to 29 Jan 12 $5.45
4 Molong Express 2 Jan to 29 Jan 12 $5.45
11 Parkes Champion Post 2 Jan to 29 Jan 12 $15.00
4 Lithgow Mercury 2 Jan to 29 Jan 12 $5.45
19 The Daily Telegraph 2 Jan to 29 Jan 12 $17.27
15 Western Advocate 2 Jan to 29 Jan 12 $20.45
4 The Sun-Herald 2 Jan to 29 Jan 12 $7.27
8 Forbes Advocate 2 Jan to 29 Jan 12 $10.91
4 The Land 2 Jan to 29 Jan 12 $12.36
4 Canowindra News 2 Jan to 29 Jan 12 $5.45
19 The Australian 2 Jan to 29 Jan 12 $29.36
25 The Daily Telegraph 30 Jan to 4 Mar 12 $22.73
15 Parkes Champion Post 30 Jan to 4 Mar 12 $20.45
5 The Weekend Australian 30 Jan to 4 Mar 12 $11.82
5 The Sun-Herald 30 Jan to 4 Mar 12 $9.09
5 The Daily Telegraph (Sat) 30 Jan to 4 Mar 12 $7.27
5 Western Advocate (Sat) 30 Jan to 4 Mar 12 $6.82
5 Forbes Advocate (Sat) 30 Jan to 4 Mar 12 $6.82
5 Oberon Review 30 Jan to 4 Mar 12 $6.82
25 The Australian 30 Jan to 4 Mar 12 $38.64
5 Blayney Chronicle 30 Jan to 4 Mar 12 $6.82
5 Central Western Daily (Sat) 30 Jan to 4 Mar 12 $7.27
Administrative fees 30 Jan to 4 Mar 12 $4.55
5 Lithgow Mercury 30 Jan to 4 Mar 12 $6.82
10 Forbes Advocate 30 Jan to 4 Mar 12 $13.64
5 Molong Express 30 Jan to 4 Mar 12 $6.82
5 The Land 30 Jan to 4 Mar 12 $16.36
25 The Sydney Morning Herald 30 Jan to 4 Mar 12 $34.09
25 Central Western Daily 30 Jan to 4 Mar 12 $34.09
20 Western Advocate 30 Jan to 4 Mar 12 $27.27
5 Canowindra News 30 Jan to 4 Mar 12 $6.82
11 Cudal News 1 Feb to 31 Dec 12 $22.00
Administrative fees 1 Feb to 31 Dec 12 $13.20
3 Lithgow Mercury 15 Feb to 19 Feb 12 $4.09
1 Oberon Review 15 Feb to 19 Feb 12 $1.36
Administrative fees 15 Feb to 19 Feb 12 $2.73
3 Western Advocate 15 Feb to 19 Feb 12 $4.09
1 Symbols of Australia 15 Feb 12 $32.68
1 Quintessential Australia 15 Feb 12 $16.33
1 Bush Capital 15 Feb 12 $32.68
1 Continent of Curiosities 15 Feb 12 $40.86
1 Australian Wildlife 15 Feb 12 $28.59
1 Australia in Focus 15 Feb 12 $28.59
1 Australia the Journey 15 Feb 12 $49.06
1 Australian Government Explained 15 Feb 12 $16.33
1 A Short History of Australia 15 Feb 12 $40.91
12 Lithgow Mercury 22 Feb to 18 Mar 12 $16.36
Administrative fees 22 Feb to 18 Mar 12 $12.27
4 Oberon Review 22 Feb to 18 Mar 12 $5.45
24 Western Advocate 22 Feb to 18 Mar 12 $32.73
16 Western Advocate 5 Mar to 1 Apr 12 $21.82
20 The Sydney Morning Herald 5 Mar to 1 Apr 12 $27.27
4 Molong Express 5 Mar to 1 Apr 12 $5.45
Administrative fees 5 Mar to 1 Apr 12 $4.55
4 Forbes Advocate (Sat) 5 Mar to 1 Apr 12 $5.45
4 The Weekend Australian 5 Mar to 1 Apr 12 $9.45
4 The Sun-Herald 5 Mar to 1 Apr 12 $7.27
4 Central Western Daily (Sat) 5 Mar to 1 Apr 12 $5.82
4 The Daily Telegraph (Sat) 5 Mar to 1 Apr 12 $5.82
20 Central Western Daily 5 Mar to 1 Apr 12 $27.27
4 Canowindra News 5 Mar to 1 Apr 12 $5.45
4 Blayney Chronicle 5 Mar to 1 Apr 12 $5.45
4 Western Advocate (Sat) 5 Mar to 1 Apr 12 $5.45
20 The Daily Telegraph 5 Mar to 1 Apr 12 $18.18
8 Forbes Advocate 5 Mar to 1 Apr 12 $10.91
12 Parkes Champion Post 5 Mar to 1 Apr 12 $16.36
4 The Land 5 Mar to 1 Apr 12 $13.09
20 The Australian 5 Mar to 1 Apr 12 $30.91
4 Oberon Review 5 Mar to 1 Apr 12 $5.45
4 Lithgow Mercury 5 Mar to 1 Apr 12 $5.45
Administrative fees 19 Mar to 15 Apr 12 $11.82
12 Lithgow Mercury 19 Mar to 15 Apr 12 $16.36
4 Oberon Review 19 Mar to 15 Apr 12 $5.45
23 Western Advocate 19 Mar to 15 Apr 12 $31.36
4 The Daily Telegraph (Sat) 2 Apr to 29 Apr 12 $5.82
20 The Australian 2 Apr to 29 Apr 12 $30.91
20 The Sydney Morning Herald 2 Apr to 29 Apr 12 $30.91
12 Parkes Champion Post 2 Apr to 29 Apr 12 $16.36
20 Central Western Daily 2 Apr to 29 Apr 12 $27.27
4 The Weekend Australian 2 Apr to 29 Apr 12 $9.45
8 Forbes Advocate 2 Apr to 29 Apr 12 $10.91
4 Forbes Advocate (Sat) 2 Apr to 29 Apr 12 $5.45
4 Western Advocate (Sat) 2 Apr to 29 Apr 12 $5.45
4 Lithgow Mercury 2 Apr to 29 Apr 12 $5.45
4 Canowindra News 2 Apr to 29 Apr 12 $5.45
4 The Land 2 Apr to 29 Apr 12 $13.09
20 The Daily Telegraph 2 Apr to 29 Apr 12 $18.18
4 Blayney Chronicle 2 Apr to 29 Apr 12 $5.45
16 Western Advocate 2 Apr to 29 Apr 12 $21.82
Administrative fees 2 Apr to 29 Apr 12 $4.55
4 Oberon Review 2 Apr to 29 Apr 12 $5.45
4 Molong Express 2 Apr to 29 Apr 12 $5.45
4 The Sun-Herald 2 Apr to 29 Apr 12 $8.36
4 Central Western Daily (Sat) 2 Apr to 29 Apr 12 $5.82
Administrative fees 16 Apr to 13 May 12 $12.27
4 Oberon Review 16 Apr to 13 May 12 $5.45
12 Lithgow Mercury 16 Apr to 13 May 12 $16.36
24 Western Advocate 16 Apr to 13 May 12 $32.73
5 Canowindra News 30 Apr to 3 Jun 12 $6.82
5 Blayney Chronicle 30 Apr to 3 Jun 12 $6.82
5 Molong Express 30 Apr to 3 Jun 12 $6.82
5 The Sun-Herald 30 Apr to 3 Jun 12 $10.45
5 The Land 30 Apr to 3 Jun 12 $16.36
5 The Daily Telegraph (Sat) 30 Apr to 3 Jun 12 $7.27
25 The Australian 30 Apr to 3 Jun 12 $38.64
5 Oberon Review 30 Apr to 3 Jun 12 $6.82
25 The Sydney Morning Herald 30 Apr to 3 Jun 12 $38.64
25 Central Western Daily 30 Apr to 3 Jun 12 $34.09
10 Forbes Advocate 30 Apr to 3 Jun 12 $13.64
5 Central Western Daily (Sat) 30 Apr to 3 Jun 12 $7.27
20 Western Advocate 30 Apr to 3 Jun 12 $27.27
5 Lithgow Mercury 30 Apr to 3 Jun 12 $6.82
5 Forbes Advocate (Sat) 30 Apr to 3 Jun 12 $6.82
5 The Weekend Australian 30 Apr to 3 Jun 12 $11.82
Administrative fees 30 Apr to 3 Jun 12 $4.55
15 Parkes Champion Post 30 Apr to 3 Jun 12 $20.45
25 The Daily Telegraph 30 Apr to 3 Jun 12 $22.73
5 Western Advocate (Sat) 30 Apr to 3 Jun 12 $6.82
1 Parliament House, Canberra: a building for the nation 23 May 12 $40.87
1 Platypus: The Extraordinary Story of How a Curious Creature Baffled the World $28.64
23 May 12
1 Koala: Origins of an Icon 23 May 12 $28.64
1 Crocodile: Evolution's Greatest Survivor 23 May 12 $28.64
1 Australia: The Journey 23 May 12 $49.05
1 Armageddon: Two Men On An Anzac Trail 23 May 12 $40.90
1 Pole To Pole: One Man, 20 Million Steps 23 May 12 $26.99
1 Australian Wildlife 23 May 12 $28.59
1 The Costello Memoirs 23 May 12 $28.63
1 Continent of Curiosities: A Journey Through Australian Natural History 23 May 12 $40.87
1 The Constant Gardener: A Botanical Bible 23 May 12 $40.90
1 Macquarie Aboriginal Words 23 May 12 $32.69
1 Images in Stone: a Guide to the Building Stones of Parliament House 23 May 12 $14.69
1 Canberra, ACT: Capturing The Spirit Of Australia's National Capital 23 May 12 $12.27
1 Australia: Capturing the Quintessential Australia 23 May 12 $16.32
1 The Man Who Loved Crocodiles and Stories of Other Adventurous Australians $26.99
23 May 12
1 Fascinating Australian Birds 23 May 12 $22.08
1 Forest Phoenix: How a Great Forest Recovers After Wildfire 23 May 2 $32.69
4 Molong Express 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $5.45
8 Forbes Advocate 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $10.91
4 The Land 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $12.36
20 The Australian 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $30.91
4 The Daily Telegraph (Sat) 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $5.82
4 Central Western Daily (Sat) 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $5.82
4 Western Advocate (Sat) 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $5.45
1 Quadrant 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $8.09
4 Oberon Review 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $5.45
4 The Sun-Herald 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $7.27
4 Forbes Advocate (Sat) 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $5.45
4 Lithgow Mercury 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $5.45
20 Central Western Daily 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $27.27
16 Western Advocate 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $21.82
20 The Sydney Morning Herald 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $27.27
Administrative fees 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $4.55
4 Blayney Chronicle 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $5.45
4 Canowindra News 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $5.45
12 Parkes Champion Post 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $16.36
4 The Weekend Australian 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $9.45
20 The Daily Telegraph 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $18.18
4 The Daily Telegraph (Sat) 28 Nov 11 to 1 Jan 12 $5.82
4 Blayney Chronicle 28 Nov 11 to 1 Jan 12 $5.45
4 The Weekend Australian 28 Nov 11 to 1 Jan 12 $9.45
Administrative fees 28 Nov 11 to 1 Jan 12 $4.55
4 Molong Express 28 Nov 11 to 1 Jan 12 $5.45
4 Oberon Review 28 Nov 11 to 1 Jan 12 $5.45
4 Forbes Advocate (Sat) 28 Nov 11 to 1 Jan 12 $5.45
4 Western Advocate (Sat) 28 Nov 11 to 1 Jan 12 $5.45
4 Lithgow Mercury 28 Nov 11 to 1 Jan 12 $5.45
20 The Australian 28 Nov 11 to 1 Jan 12 $30.91
4 Central Western Daily (Sat) 28 Nov 11 to 1 Jan 12 $5.82
20 Central Western Daily 28 Nov 11 to 1 Jan 12 $27.27
1 Quadrant 28 Nov 11 to 1 Jan 12 $8.09
4 The Land 28 Nov 11 to 1 Jan 12 $12.36
12 Parkes Champion Post 28 Nov 11 to 1 Jan 12 $16.36
8 Forbes Advocate 28 Nov 11 to 1 Jan 12 $10.91
1 The Sydney Morning Herald 28 Nov 11 to 1 Jan 12 $2.27
20 The Daily Telegraph 28 Nov 11 to 1 Jan 12 $18.18
16 Western Advocate 28 Nov 11 to 1 Jan 12 $21.82
19 The Sydney Morning Herald 28 Nov 11 to 1 Jan 12 $25.91
4 Canowindra News 28 Nov 11 to 1 Jan 12 $5.45
4 The Sun-Herald 28 Nov 11 to 1 Jan 12 $7.27
4 Lithgow Mercury 2 Jul to 29 Jul 12 $5.45
12 Parkes Champion Post 2 Jul to 29 Jul 12 $16.36
20 The Australian 2 Jul to 29 Jul 12 $30.91
16 Western Advocate 2 Jul to 29 Jul 12 $21.82
20 Central Western Daily 2 Jul to 29 Jul 12 $27.27
20 The Daily Telegraph 2 Jul to 29 Jul 12 $18.18
Administrative fees 2 Jul to 29 Jul 12 $4.55
8 Forbes Advocate 2 Jul to 29 Jul 12 $10.91
20 The Sydney Morning Herald 2 Jul to 29 Jul 12 $30.91
4 Forbes Advocate (Sat) 2 Jul to 29 Jul 12 $5.45
4 The Land 2 Jul to 29 Jul 12 $13.09
4 Canowindra News 2 Jul to 29 Jul 12 $5.45
4 The Weekend Australian 2 Jul to 29 Jul 12 $9.45
4 Blayney Chronicle 2 Jul to 29 Jul 12 $5.45
4 Central Western Daily (Sat) 2 Jul to 29 Jul 12 $5.82
4 The Sun-Herald 2 Jul to 29 Jul 12 $8.36
4 Western Advocate (Sat) 2 Jul to 29 Jul 12 $5.45
4 The Daily Telegraph (Sat) 2 Jul to 29 Jul 12 $5.82
4 Oberon Review 2 Jul to 29 Jul 12 $5.45
4 Molong Express 2 Jul to 29 Jul 12 $5.45
12 Lithgow Mercury 9 Jul to 5 Aug 12 $16.36
16 Central Western Daily 9 Jul to 5 Aug 12 $21.82
8 Parkes Champion Post 9 Jul to 5 Aug 12 $9.45
Administrative fees 9 Jul to 5 Aug 12 $10.45
8 Forbes Advocate 9 Jul to 5 Aug 12 $10.91
20 Western Advocate 9 Jul to 5 Aug 12 $27.27
4 Oberon Review 9 Jul to 5 Aug 12 $5.45
4 Forbes Advocate 9 Jul to 5 Aug 12 $4.36
4 Central Western Daily 9 Jul to 5 Aug 12 $5.82
4 Lithgow Mercury 30 Jul to 27 Aug 12 $5.45
12 Parkes Champion Post 30 Jul to 27 Aug 12 $16.36
20 The Daily Telegraph 30 Jul to 27 Aug 12 $18.18
20 The Australian 30 Jul to 27 Aug 12 $30.91
16 Western Advocate 30 Jul to 27 Aug 12 $21.82
20 Central Western Daily 30 Jul to 27 Aug 12 $27.27
8 Forbes Advocate 30 Jul to 27 Aug 12 $10.91
Administrative fees 30 Jul to 27 Aug 12 $4.55
20 The Sydney Morning Herald 30 Jul to 27 Aug 12 $30.91
4 Oberon Review 30 Jul to 27 Aug 12 $5.45
4 The Sun-Herald 30 Jul to 27 Aug 12 $8.36
4 Canowindra News 30 Jul to 27 Aug 12 $5.45
4 Molong Express 30 Jul to 27 Aug 12 $5.45
4 Blayney Chronicle 30 Jul to 27 Aug 12 $5.45
4 The Weekend Australian 30 Jul to 27 Aug 12 $9.45
4 Western Advocate (Sat) 30 Jul to 27 Aug 12 $5.45
4 Central Western Daily (Sat) 30 Jul to 27 Aug 12 $5.82
4 The Land 30 Jul to 27 Aug 12 $13.09
4 Forbes Advocate (Sat) 30 Jul to 27 Aug 12 $5.45
4 The Daily Telegraph (Sat) 30 Jul to 27 Aug 12 $5.82
12 Lithgow Mercury 6 Aug to 2 Sep 12 $16.36
20 Central Western Daily 6 Aug to 2 Sep 12 $27.27
8 Parkes Champion Post 6 Aug to 2 Sep 12 $9.45
Administrative fees 6 Aug to 2 Sep 12 $12.27
8 Forbes Advocate 6 Aug to 2 Sep 12 $10.91
24 Western Advocate 6 Aug to 2 Sep 12 $32.73
4 Central Western Daily 6 Aug to 2 Sep 12 $5.82
4 Forbes Advocate 6 Aug to 2 Sep 12 $4.36
4 Oberon Review 6 Aug to 2 Sep 12 $5.45
10 Forbes Advocate 27 Aug to 30 Sep 12 $13.64
15 Parkes Champion Post 27 Aug to 30 Sep 12 $20.45
5 Western Advocate (Sat) 27 Aug to 30 Sep 12 $6.82
5 The Land 27 Aug to 30 Sep 12 $16.36
5 The Weekend Australian 27 Aug to 30 Sep 12 $11.82
5 The Sun-Herald 27 Aug to 30 Sep 12 $10.45
Administrative fees 27 Aug to 30 Sep 12 $4.55
25 The Daily Telegraph 27 Aug to 30 Sep 12 $22.73
25 Central Western Daily 27 Aug to 30 Sep 12 $34.09
25 The Sydney Morning Herald 27 Aug to 30 Sep 12 $38.64
25 The Australian 27 Aug to 30 Sep 12 $38.64
20 Western Advocate 27 Aug to 30 Sep 12 $27.27
5 Canowindra News 27 Aug to 30 Sep 12 $6.82
5 Lithgow Mercury 27 Aug to 30 Sep 12 $6.82
5 Molong Express 27 Aug to 30 Sep 12 $6.82
5 Blayney Chronicle 27 Aug to 30 Sep 12 $6.82
5 The Daily Telegraph (Sat) 27 Aug to 30 Sep 12 $7.27
5 Oberon Review 27 Aug to 30 Sep 12 $6.82
5 Forbes Advocate (Sat) 27 Aug to 30 Sep 12 $6.82
5 Central Western Daily (Sat) 27 Aug to 30 Sep 12 $7.27
20 Central Western Daily 3 Sep to 30 Sep 12 $27.27
12 Lithgow Mercury 3 Sep to 30 Sep 12 $16.36
8 Forbes Advocate 3 Sep to 30 Sep 12 $10.91
Administrative fees 3 Sep to 30 Sep 12 $12.27
8 Parkes Champion Post 3 Sep to 30 Sep 12 $9.45
21 Western Advocate 3 Sep to 30 Sep 12 $28.64
3 Blayney Chronicle 3 Sep to 30 Sep 12 $4.09
3 Central Western Daily 3 Sep to 30 Sep 12 $4.36
4 Oberon Review 3 Sep to 30 Sep 12 $5.45
4 Forbes Advocate 3 Sep to 30 Sep 12 $4.36
4 Lithgow Mercury 1 Oct to 29 Oct 12 $5.82
20 Central Western Daily 1 Oct to 29 Oct 12 $27.27
16 Western Advocate 1 Oct to 29 Oct 12 $21.82
20 The Daily Telegraph 1 Oct to 29 Oct 12 $18.18
12 Parkes Champion Post 1 Oct to 29 Oct 12 $16.36
20 The Australian 1 Oct to 29 Oct 12 $36.36
Administrative fees 1 Oct to 29 Oct 12 $4.55
8 Forbes Advocate 1 Oct to 29 Oct 12 $10.91
20 The Sydney Morning Herald 1 Oct to 29 Oct 12 $30.91
4 Molong Express 1 Oct to 29 Oct 12 $5.45
4 Oberon Review 1 Oct to 29 Oct 12 $5.45
4 Blayney Chronicle 1 Oct to 29 Oct 12 $5.45
4 The Land 1 Oct to 29 Oct 12 $13.09
4 Forbes Advocate (Sat) 1 Oct to 29 Oct 12 $5.45
4 The Sun-Herald 1 Oct to 29 Oct 12 $8.36
4 The Daily Telegraph (Sat) 1 Oct to 29 Oct 12 $5.82
4 Central Western Daily (Sat) 1 Oct to 29 Oct 12 $5.82
4 Canowindra News 1 Oct to 29 Oct 12 $5.45
4 The Weekend Australian 1 Oct to 29 Oct 12 $9.45
4 Western Advocate (Sat) 1 Oct to 29 Oct 12 $5.45
10 Lithgow Mercury 1 Oct to 28 Oct 12 $14.55
2 Lithgow Mercury 1 Oct to 28 Oct 12 $2.73
20 Central Western Daily 1 Oct to 28 Oct 12 $27.27
Administrative fees 1 Oct to 28 Oct 12 $12.27
8 Parkes Champion Post 1 Oct to 28 Oct 12 $9.45
8 Forbes Advocate 1 Oct to 28 Oct 12 $10.91
20 Western Advocate 1 Oct to 28 Oct 12 $27.27
4 Blayney Chronicle 1 Oct to 28 Oct 12 $5.45
4 Oberon Review 1 Oct to 28 Oct 12 $5.45
4 Forbes Advocate 1 Oct to 28 Oct 12 $4.36
4 Central Western Daily (Sat) 1 Oct to 28 Oct 12 $5.82
1 Diary of a Wombat 12 Oct 12 $20.42
1 Wunambi the Water Snake 12 Oct 12 $16.32
1 The Australian Animal Atlas 12 Oct 12 $20.42
1 Australian Backyard Explorer 12 Oct 12 $24.51
1 Aussie Gems: Click Go The Shears 12 Oct 12 $12.26
1 Australian Wildlife 12 Oct 12 $28.59
1 Amazing Facts about Australian Mammals 12 Oct 12 $16.32
20 Central Western Daily 29 Oct to 25 Nov 12 $27.27
12 Lithgow Mercury 29 Oct to 25 Nov 12 $17.45
8 Forbes Advocate 29 Oct to 25 Nov 12 $10.91
8 Parkes Champion Post 29 Oct to 25 Nov 12 $9.45
Administrative fees 29 Oct to 25 Nov 12 $12.27
20 Western Advocate 29 Oct to 25 Nov 12 $27.27
4 Forbes Advocate 29 Oct to 25 Nov 12 $4.36
4 Central Western Daily (Sat) 29 Oct to 25 Nov 12 $5.82
4 Oberon Review 29 Oct to 25 Nov 12 $5.45
4 Blayney Chronicle 29 Oct to 25 Nov 12 $5.45
10 Forbes Advocate 29 Oct to 2 Dec 12 $13.64
15 Parkes Champion Post 29 Oct to 2 Dec 12 $20.45
5 The Land 29 Oct to 2 Dec 12 $16.36
5 The Sun-Herald 29 Oct to 2 Dec 12 $10.45
5 Western Advocate (Sat) 29 Oct to 2 Dec 12 $6.82
5 The Weekend Australian 29 Oct to 2 Dec 12 $11.82
Administrative fees 29 Oct to 2 Dec 12 $4.55
20 Western Advocate 29 Oct to 2 Dec 12 $27.27
25 The Australian 29 Oct to 2 Dec 12 $45.45
25 The Daily Telegraph 29 Oct to 2 Dec 12 $22.73
25 Central Western Daily 29 Oct to 2 Dec 12 $34.09
25 The Sydney Morning Herald 29 Oct to 2 Dec 12 $38.64
5 Oberon Review 29 Oct to 2 Dec 12 $6.82
5 Lithgow Mercury 29 Oct to 2 Dec 12 $7.27
5 Forbes Advocate (Sat) 29 Oct to 2 Dec 12 $6.82
5 The Daily Telegraph (Sat) 29 Oct to 2 Dec 12 $8.18
5 Central Western Daily (Sat) 29 Oct to 2 Dec 12 $7.27
5 Canowindra News 29 Oct to 2 Dec 12 $6.82
5 Blayney Chronicle 29 Oct to 2 Dec 12 $6.82
5 Molong Express 29 Oct to 2 Dec 12 $6.82
1 Poultry Agskills 20 Nov 12 $14.73
1 Sheep Agskills 20 Nov 12 $13.09
1 Beef Agskills 20 Nov 12 $13.09
2 Farm Agskills 20 Nov 12 $29.46
11 Eugowra News 1 Feb to 31 Dec 12 $35.00
13 Central Western Daily 14 May to 10 Jun 12 $17.73
12 Lithgow Mercury 14 May to 10 Jun 12 $16.36
2 Forbes Advocate 14 May to 10 Jun 12 $2.18
Administrative fees 14 May to 10 Jun 12 $11.82
7 Forbes Advocate 14 May to 10 Jun 12 $9.55
23 Western Advocate 14 May to 10 Jun 12 $31.36
3 Central Western Daily 14 May to 10 Jun 12 $4.36
4 Oberon Review 14 May to 10 Jun 12 $5.45
5 Parkes Champion Post 14 May to 10 Jun 12 $5.91
4 Lithgow Mercury 4 Jun to 1 Jul 12 $5.45
20 Central Western Daily 4 Jun to 1 Jul 12 $27.27
20 The Daily Telegraph 4 Jun to 1 Jul 12 $18.18
12 Parkes Champion Post 4 Jun to 1 Jul 12 $16.36
20 The Australian 4 Jun to 1 Jul 12 $30.91
16 Western Advocate 4 Jun to 1 Jul 12 $21.82
8 Forbes Advocate 4 Jun to 1 Jul 12 $10.91
Administrative fees 4 Jun to 1 Jul 12 $4.55
20 The Sydney Morning Herald 4 Jun to 1 Jul 12 $30.91
4 Canowindra News 4 Jun to 1 Jul 12 $5.45
4 Forbes Advocate (Sat) 4 Jun to 1 Jul 12 $5.45
4 The Weekend Australian 4 Jun to 1 Jul 12 $9.45
4 Oberon Review 4 Jun to 1 Jul 12 $5.45
4 The Sun-Herald 4 Jun to 1 Jul 12 $8.36
4 The Land 4 Jun to 1 Jul 12 $13.09
4 Central Western Daily (Sat) 4 Jun to 1 Jul 12 $5.82
4 The Daily Telegraph (Sat) 4 Jun to 1 Jul 12 $5.82
4 Molong Express 4 Jun to 1 Jul 12 $5.45
4 Blayney Chronicle 4 Jun to 1 Jul 12 $5.45
4 Western Advocate (Sat) 4 Jun to 1 Jul 12 $5.45
12 Lithgow Mercury 11 Jun to 8 Jul 12 $16.36
16 Central Western Daily 11 Jun to 8 Jul 12 $21.82
Administrative fees 11 Jun to 8 Jul 12 $10.45
8 Parkes Champion Post 11 Jun to 8 Jul 12 $9.45
8 Forbes Advocate 11 Jun to 8 Jul 12 $10.91
20 Western Advocate 11 Jun to 8 Jul 12 $27.27
4 Central Western Daily 11 Jun to 8 Jul 12 $5.82
4 Oberon Review 11 Jun to 8 Jul 12 $5.45
4 Forbes Advocate 11 Jun to 8 Jul 12 $4.36
+ Telecommunications - Usage
Details Amount
Office phones 7 Jan 12 $403.72
Office fax 7 Jan 12 $111.65
Mobile phone (satellite) 18 Jan 12 $27.27
Supplementary mobile phone 20 Jan 12 $354.20
Mobile PDA 20 Jan 12 $43.31
Office phones directory charges 1 Feb 12 $618.40
Office phones 7 Feb 12 $513.71
Office fax 7 Feb 12 $113.68
Mobile phone (satellite) 18 Feb 12 $27.27
Supplementary mobile phone 20 Feb 12 $251.73
Mobile PDA 20 Feb 12 $70.21
Office phones directory charges 3 Mar 12 $446.05
Office phones 7 Mar 12 $496.30
Office fax 7 Mar 12 $127.55
Mobile phone (satellite) 18 Mar 12 $27.27
Supplementary mobile phone 20 Mar 12 $251.23
Mobile PDA 20 Mar 12 $68.37
Office phones directory charges 1 Apr 12 $328.98
Office phones 7 Apr 12 $482.57
Office fax 7 Apr 12 $121.34
Mobile phone (satellite) 18 Apr 12 $27.27
Supplementary mobile phone 20 Apr 12 $249.02
Mobile PDA 20 Apr 12 $57.46
Office phones directory charges 2 May 12 $925.46
Office phones 7 May 12 $461.56
Office fax 7 May 12 $120.83
Mobile phone (satellite) 18 May 12 $27.27
Supplementary mobile phone 20 May 12 $297.19
Mobile PDA 20 May 12 $56.09
Office phones directory charges 1 Jun 12 $1,240.22
Office phones 7 Jun 12 $473.81
Office fax 7 Jun 12 $129.36
Mobile phone (satellite) 18 Jun 12 $27.27
Mobile phone (satellite) 18 Dec 11 $27.27
Supplementary mobile phone 20 Dec 11 $231.06
Mobile PDA 20 Dec 11 $73.10
Office phones directory charges 2 Jul 12 $231.76
Office phones 7 Jul 12 $417.04
Office fax 7 Jul 12 $111.22
Mobile phone (satellite) 18 Jul 12 $27.27
Supplementary mobile phone 20 Jul 12 $281.73
Mobile PDA 20 Jul 12 $70.56
Office phones 7 Aug 12 $512.52
Office fax 7 Aug 12 $126.57
Mobile phone (satellite) 18 Aug 12 $27.27
Supplementary mobile phone 20 Aug 12 $283.28
Mobile PDA 20 Aug 12 $63.57
Office phones 7 Sep 12 $508.20
Office fax 7 Sep 12 $135.46
Mobile phone (satellite) 18 Sep 12 $27.27
Supplementary mobile phone 20 Sep 12 $169.50
Mobile PDA 20 Sep 12 $55.09
Office phones 7 Oct 12 $379.63
Office fax 7 Oct 12 $132.92
Mobile phone (satellite) 18 Oct 12 $27.27
Supplementary mobile phone 20 Oct 12 $127.93
Supplementary mobile phone overseas calls 20 Oct 12 $15.25
Mobile PDA 20 Oct 12 $55.41
Office phones 7 Nov 12 $455.92
Office fax 7 Nov 12 $158.81
Mobile phone (satellite) 18 Nov 12 $27.27
Supplementary mobile phone 20 Nov 12 $122.55
Supplementary mobile phone overseas calls 20 Nov 12 $8.70
Mobile PDA 20 Nov 12 $105.03
Office phones 7 Dec 12 $429.32
Office fax 7 Dec 12 $154.21
Supplementary mobile phone 20 Jun 12 $231.93
Mobile PDA 20 Jun 12 $49.99
+ Telecommunications - Residential - Official
Details Amount
Dedicated data line 1 Jan 12 $54.50
Residential phones 8 Jan 12 $116.25
Dedicated data line 1 Feb 12 $54.50
Residential phones 8 Feb 12 $80.09
Dedicated data line 3 Mar 12 $54.50
Residential phones 8 Mar 12 $121.59
Dedicated data line 1 Apr 12 $54.50
Residential phones 8 Apr 12 $144.50
Dedicated data line 2 May 12 $54.50
Residential phones 9 May 12 $108.59
Dedicated data line 1 Jun 12 $54.50
Residential phones 9 Jun 12 $110.03
Dedicated data line 2 Jul 12 $54.50
Residential phones 8 Jul 12 $108.17
Dedicated data line 1 Aug 12 $54.50
Residential phones 8 Aug 12 $90.32
Dedicated data line 1 Sep 12 $54.50
Residential phones 9 Sep 12 $110.81
Dedicated data line 2 Oct 12 $54.50
Residential phones 8 Oct 12 $116.48
Dedicated data line 1 Nov 12 $54.50
Residential phones 8 Nov 12 $74.68
Dedicated data line 2 Dec 12 $54.50
Residential phones 9 Dec 12 $118.03
Family Travel Costs
+ Family Traveller Domestic Scheduled Fares
Details Amount Notes
15 Mar 12 - Canberra to Sydney $232.58
16 Mar 12 - Sydney to Bathurst $257.73
5 Jul 12 - Sydney to Darwin $639.55
5 Jul 12 - Orange to Sydney $277.49
7 Jul 12 - Darwin to Alice Springs $1,617.48
8 Jul 12 - Alice Springs to Sydney
6 Nov 12 - Orange to Sydney $281.90
6 Nov 12 - Sydney to Melbourne $578.42
7 Nov 12 - Melbourne to Sydney $292.11
Details Amount
29 Feb 12 - Canberra $484.70
8 Jul 12 - Sydney $578.11
17 Jul 12 - Adelaide $40.00
17 Jul 12 - Sydney $658.64
31 Jul 12 - Townsville $75.00
1 Aug 12 - Townsville $163.00
1 Aug 12 - Townsville $56.00
1 Aug 12 - Sydney $48.50
2 Aug 12 - Sydney $40.00
13 Aug 12 - Canberra $573.78
23 Aug 12 - Canberra $40.00
23 Aug 12 - Sydney $49.11
24 Aug 12 - Sydney $40.00
29 Aug 12 - Canberra $589.50
29 Aug 12 - Sydney $48.50
29 Aug 12 - Canberra $40.00
30 Aug 12 - Sydney $222.70
30 Aug 12 - Sydney $416.74
31 Aug 12 - Sydney $47.24
1 Sep 12 - Sydney $78.60
4 Sep 12 - Brisbane $44.20
5 Sep 12 - Brisbane $146.70
5 Sep 12 - Brisbane $138.84
6 Sep 12 - Brisbane $44.12
9 Sep 12 - Canberra $573.78
12 Sep 12 - Canberra $71.44
20 Sep 12 - Canberra $568.54
25 Sep 12 - Brisbane $230.56
26 Sep 12 - Brisbane $60.00
26 Sep 12 - Sydney $48.10
27 Sep 12 - Sydney $40.00
4 Oct 12 - Sydney $48.50
5 Oct 12 - Sydney $40.00
8 Oct 12 - Canberra $634.04
11 Oct 12 - Sydney $48.50
12 Oct 12 - Sydney $32.75
19 Oct 12 - Sydney $48.50
19 Oct 12 - Sydney $40.00
28 Oct 12 - Canberra $17.03
1 Nov 12 - Canberra $929.00
6 Nov 12 - Melbourne $82.30
7 Nov 12 - Melbourne $50.17
7 Nov 12 - Perth $44.54
7 Nov 12 - Perth $96.94
7 Nov 12 - Melbourne $44.31
8 Nov 12 - Melbourne $78.05
9 Nov 12 - Melbourne $244.02
9 Nov 12 - Sydney $48.50
10 Nov 12 - Sydney $78.60
19 Nov 12 - Sydney $48.50
20 Nov 12 - Sydney $40.00
20 Nov 12 - Sydney $379.90
4 Dec 12 - Sydney $48.50
4 Dec 12 - Sydney $40.00
4 Dec 12 - Sydney $40.00
4 May 12 - Sydney $453.70
28 Jun 12 - Canberra $78.60
28 Jun 12 - Canberra $78.60
29 Jun 12 - Canberra $589.50
Overseas Travel
+ Overseas Travel

Indonesia 12 Oct to 16 Oct 12 Overseas Study Travel.

Type Amount
OS Study - Fares $5,629.84
Total Expenditure

Period Expenses (CSV) | Period Expenses (SQL)