Donation data is sourced from the Australian Electoral Commission.
Errors may have been introduced in transcription; you should verify figures using the original reports where possible.
Other Periods: 2010-11 | 2011-12 | 2012-13 | 2013-14 | 2014-15 | 2015-16 | 2016-17 | 2017-18
This party declared $993,757 of donations in 2015-16, of which $542,654 was over the disclosure threshold and $451,103 was under.
The disclosure threshold for this period was $13,000.
Donor | Type | Amount |
Andrew Woodroffe | Donation | $1,550 |
Australian Greens | Donation | $199,626 |
Australian Greens | Other Receipt | $7,594 |
Chilla Bulbeck | Donation | $30,000 |
Clare Nunan | Donation | $1,500 |
Conor Murray | Donation | $1,500 |
David and Lesley Letham | Donation | $2,000 |
David Glance | Donation | $3,000 |
Fred Woollard | Donation | $5,001 |
Griff Morris | Donation | $2,000 |
Hans Hug | Donation | $1,500 |
Harley Lacy | Donation | $6,500 |
Heather & Neil Barrett | Donation | $5,000 |
James Mumme | Donation | $2,000 |
Jan Currie | Donation | $3,000 |
Jan Knight and Peter Wilmot | Donation | $4,000 |
Jay Birnbrauer | Donation | $1,500 |
Jean Le Quesne | Donation | $1,500 |
John Dravnieks | Donation | $1,500 |
Jude Cullity | Donation | $20,000 |
Lewis Tyndall | Donation | $5,000 |
Linda Selvey | Donation | $3,500 |
Lucy Cowcher-Guthrie | Donation | $1,500 |
Nic Cowcher-Guthrie | Donation | $1,500 |
Pater Investments | Donation | $99,500 |
Peter Wilmot | Donation | $5,000 |
Phil Jenkins | Donation | $3,500 |
Police and Nurses Bank | Other Receipt | $24,333 |
Rachel Siewert | Donation | $3,850 |
Robert Guthrie | Donation | $1,500 |
Roger King | Donation | $9,000 |
Ross Le Quesne | Donation | $1,500 |
Ruth Greble | Other Receipt | $45,000 |
Ruth Greble | Donation | $18,500 |
Scott Ludlam | Donation | $6,200 |
Trish Cowcher | Donation | $11,500 |
Vicki Foster | Donation | $1,500 |