Donation data is sourced from the Australian Electoral Commission.
Errors may have been introduced in transcription; you should verify figures using the original reports where possible.
Other Periods: 2010-11 | 2011-12 | 2012-13 | 2013-14 | 2014-15 | 2015-16 | 2016-17 | 2017-18
This party declared $1,964,908 of donations in 2016-17, of which $1,598,168 was over the disclosure threshold and $366,740 was under.
The disclosure threshold for this period was $13,200.
Donor | Type | Amount |
ACT Greens | Donation | $2,500 |
Andrew WOODROFFE | Donation | $1,500 |
Australian Electoral Commission | Other Receipt | $830,122 |
Australian Greens | Donation | $105,101 |
Australian Taxation Office | Other Receipt | $47,823 |
CEPU ENGINEERING | Donation | $10,000 |
Chilla (Margaret) BULBECK | Donation | $20,000 |
Clare NUNAN | Donation | $1,500 |
Griff MORRIS Solar Dwellings | Donation | $1,500 |
Hans HUG | Donation | $1,500 |
Janet HOLMES A COURT | Donation | $2,000 |
Jay Birnbrauer | Donation | $3,000 |
Jean LE QUESNE | Donation | $6,500 |
Joseph BARTLETT | Donation | $1,500 |
Jude CULLITY | Donation | $10,000 |
Lynn MacLaren | Donation | $2,000 |
Michelle BIRKELBACH | Donation | $5,000 |
Rachel Siewert | Donation | $2,000 |
Ross LE QUESNE | Donation | $6,500 |
Ruth Greble | Other Receipt | $60,000 |
Ruth Greble | Donation | $20,000 |
Sarah KETT | Donation | $2,000 |
Therese COCHRANE | Donation | $1,500 |
West Australian Electoral Comm | Other Receipt | $454,622 |