Alby Schultz

Representative for Hume, New South Wales

Liberal Party of Australia

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Expenses for 2011

Source PDFs: Jan - Jun 2011 | Jul - Dec 2011

Other Periods: 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013

Total Expenditure: $611,859.64

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Travelling Allowance
+ Travelling Allowance
Date From Date To Location Purpose Nights Rate Spouse Amount
02 Jan 11 02 Jan 11 Yass Electorate Business 1 $227.00 $227.00
11 Apr 11 11 Apr 11 Picton Electorate Business 1 $227.00 $227.00
12 Apr 11 12 Apr 11 Bargo Electorate Business 1 $227.00 $227.00
20 Apr 11 20 Apr 11 Cowra Electorate Business 1 $227.00 $227.00
24 Apr 11 24 Apr 11 Yass Electorate Business 1 $227.00 $227.00
05 May 11 05 May 11 Cowra Electorate Business 1 $227.00 $227.00
09 May 11 11 May 11 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 3 $233.00 $699.00
22 May 11 22 May 11 Yass Electorate Business 1 $227.00 $227.00
23 May 11 25 May 11 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 3 $233.00 $699.00
30 May 11 01 Jun 11 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 3 $233.00 $699.00
13 Jun 11 15 Jun 11 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 3 $233.00 $699.00
03 Jul 11 03 Jul 11 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 1 $233.00 $233.00
04 Jul 11 06 Jul 11 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 3 $233.00 $699.00
12 Jul 11 12 Jul 11 Bargo Electorate Business 1 $227.00 $227.00
17 Jul 11 17 Jul 11 Cowra Electorate Business 1 $227.00 $227.00
15 Aug 11 17 Aug 11 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 3 $233.00 $699.00
21 Aug 11 24 Aug 11 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 4 $233.00 $932.00
31 Aug 11 01 Sep 11 Grafton Agriculture, Resources, 2 $240.00 $480.00
Fisheries and Forestry
12 Sep 11 14 Sep 11 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 3 $253.00 $759.00
19 Sep 11 21 Sep 11 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 3 $253.00 $759.00
03 Oct 11 03 Oct 11 Cowra Electorate Business 1 $240.00 $240.00
10 Oct 11 12 Oct 11 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 3 $253.00 $759.00
30 Oct 11 02 Nov 11 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 4 $253.00 $1,012.00
16 Nov 11 16 Nov 11 Canberra Official Government or 1 $253.00 $253.00
Vice-Regal Function
21 Nov 11 24 Nov 11 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 4 $253.00 $1,012.00
20 Jun 11 22 Jun 11 Canberra Sittings of Parliament 3 $233.00 $699.00
27 Jun 11 29 Jun 11 New Norfolk Agriculture, Resources, 3 $227.00 $681.00
Fisheries and Forestry
Car Costs
+ Private-Plated Vehicle
Details Amount
Lease 1 Jan to 31 Jan 11 $1,833.80
Fuel 2 Jan to 26 Jan 11 $399.58
Infringement notice fee 8 Jan 11 $25.00
Reimb of infringement notice fee 8 Jan 11 -$25.00
Lease 1 Feb to 28 Feb 11 $1,833.80
Fuel 2 Feb to 27 Feb 11 $287.82
Infringement notice fee 3 Feb 11 $25.00
Reimb of infringement notice fee 3 Feb 11 -$25.00
Infringement notice fee 10 Feb 11 $25.00
Reimb of infringement notice fee 10 Feb 11 -$25.00
Lease 1 Mar to 31 Mar 11 $1,833.80
Fuel 15 Mar to 7 Apr 11 $645.63
Lease 1 Apr to 30 Apr 11 $1,833.80
Lease adj 1 Apr to 30 Apr 11 -$393.68
Lease 1 May to 31 May 11 $1,440.12
LESS Personal Contribution for Private-Plated Vehicle -$323.16
Fuel 3 Nov to 28 Nov 10 $525.86
Fuel 3 Dec to 31 Dec 10 $667.89
+ Cabcharge
Details Amount
6 Nov 10 $34.01
10 Oct 11 $33.50
10 Oct 11 $41.47
+ Private-Plated Vehicle - Electorate
Details Amount
Lease 1 Jul to 31 Jul 11 $1,440.12
Admin charge 7 Jul 11 $0.36
Fuel 9 Jul to 6 Aug 11 $904.11
Admin charge 22 Jul 11 $0.36
Admin charge 31 Jul 11 $0.36
Lease 1 Aug to 31 Aug 11 $1,440.12
Admin charge 7 Aug 11 $0.72
Fuel 10 Aug to 9 Sep 11 $928.56
Admin charge 15 Aug 11 $0.36
Admin charge 22 Aug 11 $0.36
Lease 1 Sep to 30 Sep 11 $1,440.12
Lease adj 1 Sep to 24 Sep 11 -$336.05
Admin charge 15 Sep 11 $0.36
Fuel 15 Sep to 22 Sep 11 $314.36
Lease 23 Sep to 30 Sep 11 $437.96
Fuel 23 Sep to 10 Oct 11 $573.52
Lease 1 Oct to 31 Oct 11 $1,642.37
Fuel 5 Oct to 5 Nov 11 $750.94
Lease 1 Nov to 30 Nov 11 $1,642.37
Lease 1 Dec to 31 Dec 11 $1,642.37
LESS Personal Contribution for Private-Plated Vehicle -$323.16
Fuel 8 Apr to 7 May 11 $598.62
Fuel 4 May to 7 Jun 11 $675.91
Lease 1 Jun to 30 Jun 11 $1,440.12
Fuel 1 Jun to 13 Jun 11 $959.81
Admin charge 30 Jun 11 $0.36
Details Amount
Canberra 15 Sep 11 $335.35
+ Hire Cars
Details Amount
Hobart 26 Jun to 1 Jul 11 $324.80
Office Facilities
+ Repairs and Maintenance
Details Amount
Telephone system repair 7 Mar 11 $60.00
Postage meter maintenance 1 Oct 10 to 30 Sep 11 $550.00
+ Telecommunications - Residential - Official
Details Amount
Dedicated data line 1 Jan 11 $63.59
Residential phones 9 Jan 11 $191.09
Dedicated data line 2 Feb 11 $63.59
Residential phones 9 Feb 11 $135.92
Dedicated data line 4 Mar 11 $63.59
Residential phones 9 Mar 11 $184.03
Dedicated data line 1 Apr 11 $63.59
Residential phones 9 Apr 11 $191.08
Dedicated data line 2 May 11 $63.59
Residential phones 8 May 11 $174.26
Dedicated data line 1 Jun 11 $63.59
Residential phones 8 Jun 11 $176.63
Dedicated data line 2 Jul 11 $63.59
Residential phones 9 Jul 11 $209.00
Dedicated data line 1 Aug 11 $63.59
Residential phones 8 Aug 11 $159.15
Dedicated data line 1 Sep 11 $63.59
Residential phones 8 Sep 11 $262.86
Dedicated data line 2 Oct 11 $63.59
Residential phones 9 Oct 11 $227.63
Dedicated data line 1 Nov 11 $63.59
Residential phones 9 Nov 11 $239.34
Dedicated data line 2 Dec 11 $63.59
Residential phones 8 Dec 11 $246.51
+ Telecommunications - Usage
Details Amount
Office fax 7 Jan 11 $71.25
Office phones 7 Jan 11 $407.20
Mobile PDA 20 Jan 11 $159.78
Supplementary mobile phone 20 Jan 11 $69.87
Office fax 7 Feb 11 $74.02
Office phones 7 Feb 11 $395.27
Mobile PDA 20 Feb 11 $131.38
Supplementary mobile phone 20 Feb 11 $32.83
Office fax 7 Mar 11 $85.90
Office phones 7 Mar 11 $425.25
Mobile PDA 20 Mar 11 $186.07
Supplementary mobile phone 20 Mar 11 $36.84
Office fax 7 Apr 11 $78.41
Office phones 7 Apr 11 $465.98
Mobile PDA 20 Apr 11 $209.75
Supplementary mobile phone 20 Apr 11 $27.85
Office fax 7 May 11 $72.31
Office phones 7 May 11 $394.48
Mobile PDA 20 May 11 $176.62
Supplementary mobile phone 20 May 11 $17.47
Office fax 7 Jun 11 $294.77
Office phones 7 Jun 11 $1,124.27
Mobile PDA 20 Dec 10 $151.99
Supplementary mobile phone 20 Dec 10 $39.20
Office fax 7 Jul 11 $228.25
Office phones 7 Jul 11 $644.73
Mobile PDA 20 Jul 11 $172.77
Supplementary mobile phone 20 Jul 11 $52.26
Office fax 7 Aug 11 $147.12
Office phones 7 Aug 11 $731.99
Mobile PDA 20 Aug 11 $220.73
Supplementary mobile phone 20 Aug 11 $33.14
Office fax 7 Sep 11 $156.17
Office phones 7 Sep 11 $777.93
Mobile PDA 20 Sep 11 $148.05
Supplementary mobile phone 20 Sep 11 $34.24
Office fax 7 Oct 11 $141.51
Office phones 7 Oct 11 $659.11
Mobile PDA 20 Oct 11 $189.15
Supplementary mobile phone 20 Oct 11 $28.44
Office fax 7 Nov 11 $146.19
Office phones 7 Nov 11 $691.49
Mobile PDA 20 Nov 11 $301.71
Supplementary mobile phone 20 Nov 11 $35.07
Office fax 7 Dec 11 $154.55
Office phones 7 Dec 11 $663.79
Office phones directory charges 2 Feb 11 $823.00
Office phones directory charges 1 Apr 11 $1,232.00
Office phones directory charges 2 May 11 $1,677.00
Office phones directory charges 1 Jun 11 $622.00
Mobile PDA 20 Jun 11 $159.84
Supplementary mobile phone 20 Jun 11 $50.53
+ Office Facilities
Details Amount
Aggregated Total (From 1 July 2011) $71,183.34
Aggregated Total (Before 1 July 2011) $8,779.51
Office Consumables and Services
+ Office Equipment
Details Amount
Shredder 15 Jun 11 $814.00
Digital cameras 1 Jul to 31 Jul 10 $635.46
Photocopier 1 Jul 11 $1,495.45
Telephone headset 4 Aug 11 $533.18
Radio 12 Aug 11 $45.00
Shredder 15 Nov 11 $1,097.00
Kettle 6 Jun 11 $40.91
Microwave 6 Jun 11 $135.45
Refrigerator 6 Jun 11 $544.55
Television 6 Jun 11 $517.27
Wall bracket 6 Jun 11 $90.00
Photocopier 20 Jun 11 $4,765.00
+ Office Expenses
Details Amount
Flags 28 Jan 11 $270.45
Flags 28 Jan 11 $188.64
Flags 28 Jan 11 $350.00
Flags 17 Feb 11 $138.59
Flags 17 Feb 11 $185.45
Flags 6 Apr 11 $554.55
Flags 6 Apr 11 $700.00
Flags 9 May 11 $377.27
Flags 9 May 11 $277.27
Software reimbursement 2010/11 $1,500.00
Occupational health and safety 1 Jul to 31 Jul 11 $90.00
Software reimbursement 2011/12 $1,500.00
Flags 27 Sep 11 $277.27
Flags 27 Sep 11 $377.27
Flags 27 Sep 11 $350.00
Flags 10 Oct 11 $350.00
Flags 10 Oct 11 $277.27
Flags 10 Oct 11 $377.27
Flags 12 Oct 11 $350.00
Flags 12 Oct 11 $277.27
Flags 12 Oct 11 $188.64
Flags 17 Nov 11 $350.00
Flags 17 Nov 11 $277.27
Occupational health and safety 1 Jun to 30 Jun 11 $184.11
Fire protection services 29 Jun 11 $201.60
+ Office Requisites and Stationery
Details Amount
Water refills 6 Jan 11 to 5 Jan 12 $100.00
Office requisites and stationery 1 Feb to 28 Feb 11 $328.18
Photocopy paper 1 Feb to 28 Feb 11 $151.90
Photocopier usage 1 Feb to 28 Feb 11 $15.24
Water refills 14 Feb 11 $36.00
Photocopier usage 1 Mar to 31 Mar 11 $11.08
Office requisites and stationery 1 May to 31 May 11 $314.83
Photocopy paper 1 May to 31 May 11 $234.73
Photocopier usage 1 May to 31 May 11 $21.44
Water refills 25 May 11 $36.00
Refund of office requisites and stationery 1 Jun to 30 Jun 10 -$90.00
Office requisites and stationery 1 Jul to 31 Jul 10 $655.76
Photocopy paper 1 Jul to 31 Jul 10 $31.00
Office requisites and stationery 1 Sep to 30 Sep 10 $658.77
Photocopier usage 1 Sep to 30 Sep 10 $28.00
Photocopier usage 1 Oct to 31 Oct 10 $8.83
Photocopier usage 1 Nov to 30 Nov 10 $5.76
Photocopier usage 1 Dec to 31 Dec 10 $9.56
Printer consumables 1 Jul to 31 Jul 11 $27.25
Office requisites and stationery 1 Aug to 31 Aug 11 $528.31
Photocopier usage 1 Aug to 31 Aug 11 $26.66
Office requisites and stationery 1 Sep to 30 Sep 11 $476.21
Photocopy paper 1 Sep to 30 Sep 11 $98.00
Photocopier usage 1 Sep to 30 Sep 11 $5.06
Photocopier usage 1 Sep to 30 Sep 11 $7.48
Office requisites and stationery 1 Oct to 31 Oct 11 $236.05
Photocopy paper 1 Oct to 31 Oct 11 $147.00
Printer consumables 1 Oct to 31 Oct 11 $2,775.02
Photocopier usage 1 Oct to 31 Oct 11 $1.55
Water refills 19 Oct 11 $36.00
Office requisites and stationery 1 Nov to 30 Nov 11 $436.37
Digital cameras 1 Jun to 30 Jun 11 $953.64
Office requisites and stationery 1 Jun to 30 Jun 11 $3,385.27
Photocopy paper 1 Jun to 30 Jun 11 $325.55
Printer consumables 1 Jun to 30 Jun 11 $2,891.11
Photocopier usage 1 Jun to 30 Jun 11 $19.60
Printing and Communications
+ Printing and Communications
Details Amount
Distribution 1 Feb 11 $163.20
Distribution 1 Mar 11 $562.41
Distribution credit 1 Mar 11 -$13.64
PO Box rental 1 Apr 11 to 31 Mar 12 $197.27
PO Box rental credit 1 Apr 11 to 31 Mar 12 -$4.55
Distribution 1 Apr 11 $6,889.33
61,000 Printed items 18 Apr 11 $21,866.28
Distribution 1 May to 31 May 11 $376.42
Distribution 1 Dec 10 $908.74
Distribution 1 Jul to 21 Nov 11 $3,620.91
Distribution 1 Jul to 31 Jul 11 $545.45
Distribution credit 1 Jul to 31 Jul 11 -$13.64
1,000 Personalised letterhead stationery 8 Jul 11 $1,460.00
1 Printed item 8 Jul 11 $203.64
1,000 Personalised letterhead stationery 12 Jul 11 $595.00
3,000 Personalised letterhead stationery 12 Jul 11 $356.00
1 Printed item 22 Jul 11 $203.64
Distribution 1 Aug to 31 Aug 11 $6,724.58
63,400 Printed items 28 Aug 11 $17,374.00
Printing 28 Aug 11 $948.00
Distribution 1 Sep to 30 Sep 11 $558.18
Distribution credit 1 Sep to 30 Sep 11 -$13.64
Late payment fee Sep 11 $15.00
Distribution 1 Oct to 31 Oct 11 $228.74
Late payment fee Oct 11 $15.00
Distribution 1 Nov to 30 Nov 11 $7,354.96
Distribution credit 1 Nov to 30 Nov 11 -$13.64
Late payment fee Nov 11 $15.00
63,500 Printed items 22 Nov 11 $14,616.00
Printing 22 Nov 11 $731.00
63,500 Printed items 29 Nov 11 $26,084.00
Printing 29 Nov 11 $948.00
Distribution 1 Jan to 31 Dec 12 $904.55
Distribution 1 Jun to 30 Jun 11 $227.18
1,000 Personalised letterhead stationery 30 Jun 11 $720.00
2,000 Personalised letterhead stationery 30 Jun 11 $1,193.00
2,000 Personalised letterhead stationery 30 Jun 11 $280.00
5,000 Printed items 30 Jun 11 $1,456.00
Printing 30 Jun 11 $91.00
+ Publications
Details Amount
12 Goulburn Post 31 Jan to 27 Feb 11 $16.36
12 Southern Highland News 31 Jan to 27 Feb 11 $16.36
20 The Daily Telegraph 31 Jan to 27 Feb 11 $16.98
20 The Sydney Morning Herald 31 Jan to 27 Feb 11 $26.91
4 The Weekly Times 31 Jan to 27 Feb 11 $6.00
8 Crookwell Gazette 31 Jan to 27 Feb 11 $9.45
8 Yass Tribune 31 Jan to 27 Feb 11 $10.91
Administrative fees 31 Jan to 27 Feb 11 $3.64
1 The Daily Advertiser (Sat) 31 Jan to 27 Feb 11 $1.55
10 The Australian 31 Jan to 27 Feb 11 $13.64
10 The Cootamundra Herald 31 Jan to 27 Feb 11 $16.36
10 The Daily Advertiser 31 Jan to 27 Feb 11 $11.82
12 The Cowra Guardian 31 Jan to 27 Feb 11 $16.36
2 The Sun-Herald 31 Jan to 27 Feb 11 $3.64
2 The Sydney Morning Herald (Sat) 31 Jan to 27 Feb 11 $4.55
2 The Weekend Australian 31 Jan to 27 Feb 11 $4.73
8 The Grenfell Record 31 Jan to 27 Feb 11 $10.91
Administrative fees 31 Jan to 27 Feb 11 $3.45
12 Goulburn Post 28 Feb to 27 Mar 11 $16.36
12 Southern Highland News 28 Feb to 27 Mar 11 $16.36
20 The Daily Telegraph 28 Feb to 27 Mar 11 $16.98
20 The Sydney Morning Herald 28 Feb to 27 Mar 11 $26.91
4 The Weekly Times 28 Feb to 27 Mar 11 $6.00
8 Crookwell Gazette 28 Feb to 27 Mar 11 $9.45
8 Yass Tribune 28 Feb to 27 Mar 11 $10.91
Administrative fees 28 Feb to 27 Mar 11 $3.64
12 The Cootamundra Herald 28 Feb to 27 Mar 11 $16.36
12 The Cowra Guardian 28 Feb to 27 Mar 11 $16.36
20 The Australian 28 Feb to 27 Mar 11 $27.27
20 The Daily Advertiser 28 Feb to 27 Mar 11 $23.64
4 The Daily Advertiser (Sat) 28 Feb to 27 Mar 11 $6.18
4 The Sun-Herald 28 Feb to 27 Mar 11 $7.27
4 The Sydney Morning Herald (Sat) 28 Feb to 27 Mar 11 $9.09
4 The Weekend Australian 28 Feb to 27 Mar 11 $9.45
8 The Grenfell Record 28 Feb to 27 Mar 11 $10.91
Administrative fees 28 Feb to 27 Mar 11 $6.91
11 Southern Highland News 28 Mar to 24 Apr 11 $15.00
12 Goulburn Post 28 Mar to 24 Apr 11 $16.36
20 The Daily Telegraph 28 Mar to 24 Apr 11 $16.98
20 The Sydney Morning Herald 28 Mar to 24 Apr 11 $27.91
4 The Weekly Times 28 Mar to 24 Apr 11 $6.00
7 Yass Tribune 28 Mar to 24 Apr 11 $9.55
8 Crookwell Gazette 28 Mar to 24 Apr 11 $9.45
Administrative fees 28 Mar to 24 Apr 11 $3.64
12 Cootamundra Herald 28 Mar to 24 Apr 11 $16.36
12 Cowra Guardian 28 Mar to 24 Apr 11 $16.36
19 The Australian 28 Mar to 24 Apr 11 $25.91
19 The Daily Advertiser 28 Mar to 24 Apr 11 $22.45
4 The Australian 28 Mar to 24 Apr 11 $9.45
4 The Daily Advertiser 28 Mar to 24 Apr 11 $6.18
4 The Sydney Morning Herald 28 Mar to 24 Apr 11 $16.36
8 The Grenfell Record 28 Mar to 24 Apr 11 $10.91
Administrative fees 28 Mar to 24 Apr 11 $6.78
156 Young Witness 8 Apr 11 to 7 Apr 12 $368.73
10 Yass Tribune 25 Apr to 29 May 11 $13.64
15 Goulburn Post 25 Apr to 29 May 11 $20.45
15 Southern Highland News 25 Apr to 29 May 11 $20.45
25 The Daily Telegraph 25 Apr to 29 May 11 $21.23
25 The Sydney Morning Herald 25 Apr to 29 May 11 $33.73
5 The Weekly Times 25 Apr to 29 May 11 $7.50
9 Crookwell Gazette 25 Apr to 29 May 11 $10.64
Administrative fees 25 Apr to 29 May 11 $4.32
Refund of publications 28 Jun to 25 Jul 10 -$3.46
12 The Cootamundra Herald 1 Nov to 28 Nov 10 $16.36
12 The Cowra Guardian 1 Nov to 28 Nov 10 $16.36
20 The Australian 1 Nov to 28 Nov 10 $27.27
20 The Daily Advertiser 1 Nov to 28 Nov 10 $23.64
4 The Daily Advertiser (Sat) 1 Nov to 28 Nov 10 $6.18
4 The Sun-Herald 1 Nov to 28 Nov 10 $7.27
4 The Sydney Morning Herald (Sat) 1 Nov to 28 Nov 10 $9.09
4 The Weekend Australian 1 Nov to 28 Nov 10 $9.45
8 The Grenfell Record 1 Nov to 28 Nov 10 $10.91
Administrative fees 1 Nov to 28 Nov 10 $6.91
12 The Cootamundra Herald 29 Nov to 26 Dec 10 $16.36
12 The Cowra Guardian 29 Nov to 26 Dec 10 $16.36
20 The Australian 29 Nov to 26 Dec 10 $27.27
20 The Daily Advertiser 29 Nov to 26 Dec 10 $23.64
3 The Daily Advertiser (Sat) 29 Nov to 26 Dec 10 $4.64
3 The Sydney Morning Herald (Sat) 29 Nov to 26 Dec 10 $6.82
3 The Weekend Australian 29 Nov to 26 Dec 10 $7.09
4 The Sun-Herald 29 Nov to 26 Dec 10 $7.27
8 The Grenfell Record 29 Nov to 26 Dec 10 $10.91
Administrative fees 29 Nov to 26 Dec 10 $6.78
12 Goulburn Post 29 Nov to 26 Dec 10 $16.36
12 Southern Highland News 29 Nov to 26 Dec 10 $16.36
20 The Daily Telegraph 29 Nov to 26 Dec 10 $16.98
20 The Sydney Morning Herald 29 Nov to 26 Dec 10 $26.91
4 The Weekly Times 29 Nov to 26 Dec 10 $6.00
7 Yass Tribune 29 Nov to 26 Dec 10 $9.55
8 Crookwell Gazette 29 Nov to 26 Dec 10 $9.45
Administrative fees 29 Nov to 26 Dec 10 $3.64
12 The Cootamundra Herald 27 Dec 10 to 30 Jan 11 $16.36
12 The Cowra Guardian 27 Dec 10 to 30 Jan 11 $16.36
17 The Australian 27 Dec 10 to 30 Jan 11 $23.18
25 The Daily Advertiser 27 Dec 10 to 30 Jan 11 $29.55
4 The Sun-Herald 27 Dec 10 to 30 Jan 11 $7.27
4 The Sydney Morning Herald (Sat) 27 Dec 10 to 30 Jan 11 $9.09
4 The Weekend Australian 27 Dec 10 to 30 Jan 11 $9.45
5 The Daily Advertiser (Sat) 27 Dec 10 to 30 Jan 11 $7.73
9 The Grenfell Record 27 Dec 10 to 30 Jan 11 $12.27
Administrative fees 27 Dec 10 to 30 Jan 11 $6.58
12 Southern Highland News 27 Dec 10 to 30 Jan 11 $16.36
14 Goulburn Post 27 Dec 10 to 30 Jan 11 $19.09
25 The Daily Telegraph 27 Dec 10 to 30 Jan 11 $21.23
25 The Sydney Morning Herald 27 Dec 10 to 30 Jan 11 $33.64
5 The Weekly Times 27 Dec 10 to 30 Jan 11 $7.50
7 Crookwell Gazette 27 Dec 10 to 30 Jan 11 $8.27
9 Yass Tribune 27 Dec 10 to 30 Jan 11 $12.27
Administrative fees 27 Dec 10 to 30 Jan 11 $4.32
12 Cowra Guardian 24 Jul to 21 Aug 11 $16.36
8 The Grenfell Record 24 Jul to 21 Aug 11 $10.91
12 Goulburn Post 1 Aug to 28 Aug 11 $16.36
12 Southern Highland News 1 Aug to 28 Aug 11 $16.36
20 The Daily Telegraph 1 Aug to 28 Aug 11 $16.98
20 The Sydney Morning Herald 1 Aug to 28 Aug 11 $27.27
4 The Weekly Times 1 Aug to 28 Aug 11 $6.00
8 Crookwell Gazette 1 Aug to 28 Aug 11 $9.45
8 Yass Tribune 1 Aug to 28 Aug 11 $10.91
Administrative fees 1 Aug to 28 Aug 11 $4.09
1 South West Slopes Living 1 Aug to 28 Aug 11 $6.32
1 Style 1 Aug to 28 Aug 11 $6.82
12 The Cootamundra Herald 1 Aug to 28 Aug 11 $16.36
20 The Australian 1 Aug to 28 Aug 11 $27.27
20 The Daily Advertiser 1 Aug to 28 Aug 11 $25.45
4 The Daily Advertiser (Sat) 1 Aug to 28 Aug 11 $6.18
4 The Sun-Herald 1 Aug to 28 Aug 11 $7.27
4 The Sydney Morning Herald (Sat) 1 Aug to 28 Aug 11 $9.09
4 The Weekend Australian 1 Aug to 28 Aug 11 $9.45
Administrative fees 1 Aug to 28 Aug 11 $6.91
12 Cowra Guardian 22 Aug to 18 Sep 11 $16.36
8 The Grenfell Record 22 Aug to 18 Sep 11 $10.91
12 Goulburn Post 29 Aug to 25 Sep 11 $16.36
12 Southern Highland News 29 Aug to 25 Sep 11 $16.36
20 The Daily Telegraph 29 Aug to 25 Sep 11 $16.98
20 The Sydney Morning Herald 29 Aug to 25 Sep 11 $27.27
4 The Weekly Times 29 Aug to 25 Sep 11 $6.00
8 Crookwell Gazette 29 Aug to 25 Sep 11 $9.45
8 Yass Tribune 29 Aug to 25 Sep 11 $10.91
Administrative fees 29 Aug to 25 Sep 11 $4.09
12 The Cootamundra Herald 29 Aug to 25 Sep 11 $16.36
20 The Australian 29 Aug to 25 Sep 11 $27.27
20 The Daily Advertiser 29 Aug to 25 Sep 11 $25.45
4 The Daily Advertiser (Sat) 29 Aug to 25 Sep 11 $6.18
4 The Sun-Herald 29 Aug to 25 Sep 11 $7.27
4 The Sydney Morning Herald (Sat) 29 Aug to 25 Sep 11 $9.09
4 The Weekend Australian 29 Aug to 25 Sep 11 $9.45
Administrative fees 29 Aug to 25 Sep 11 $6.91
12 Cowra Guardian 19 Sep to 16 Oct 11 $16.36
8 The Grenfell Record 19 Sep to 16 Oct 11 $10.91
10 Crookwell Gazette 26 Sep to 30 Oct 11 $11.82
10 Yass Tribune 26 Sep to 30 Oct 11 $13.64
15 Goulburn Post 26 Sep to 30 Oct 11 $20.45
15 Southern Highland News 26 Sep to 30 Oct 11 $20.45
23 The Daily Telegraph 26 Sep to 30 Oct 11 $19.52
25 The Sydney Morning Herald 26 Sep to 30 Oct 11 $34.09
5 The Weekly Times 26 Sep to 30 Oct 11 $7.50
Administrative fees 26 Sep to 30 Oct 11 $4.77
1 South West Slopes Living 26 Sep to 30 Oct 11 $6.32
15 The Cootamundra Herald 26 Sep to 30 Oct 11 $20.45
17 The Australian 26 Sep to 30 Oct 11 $26.27
25 The Daily Advertiser 26 Sep to 30 Oct 11 $31.82
5 The Daily Advertiser (Sat) 26 Sep to 30 Oct 11 $7.73
5 The Sun-Herald 26 Sep to 30 Oct 11 $9.09
5 The Sydney Morning Herald (Sat) 26 Sep to 30 Oct 11 $11.36
5 The Weekend Australian 26 Sep to 30 Oct 11 $11.82
8 The Australian 26 Sep to 30 Oct 11 $10.91
Administrative fees 26 Sep to 30 Oct 11 $8.64
12 Cowra Guardian 17 Oct to 13 Nov 11 $16.36
8 The Grenfell Record 17 Oct to 13 Nov 11 $10.91
52 Harden Murrumburrah Express 20 Oct 11 to 19 Oct 12 $108.73
52 Boorowa News 20 Oct 11 to 19 Oct 12 $108.73
1 Style 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $6.82
12 The Cootamundra Herald 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $16.36
16 The Australian 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $24.73
20 The Daily Advertiser 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $25.45
4 The Australian 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $5.45
4 The Daily Advertiser (Sat) 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $6.18
4 The Sun-Herald 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $7.27
4 The Sydney Morning Herald (Sat) 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $9.09
4 The Weekend Australian 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $9.45
Administrative fees 31 Oct to 27 Nov 11 $6.91
52 The Land 10 Nov 11 to 9 Nov 12 $160.27
1 South West Slopes Living 25 Apr to 29 May 11 $5.41
1 Style 25 Apr to 29 May 11 $6.82
10 The Grenfell Record 25 Apr to 29 May 11 $13.64
14 The Cootamundra Herald 25 Apr to 29 May 11 $19.09
14 The Cowra Guardian 25 Apr to 29 May 11 $19.09
25 The Australian 25 Apr to 29 May 11 $34.09
25 The Daily Advertiser 25 Apr to 29 May 11 $29.55
5 The Daily Advertiser (Sat) 25 Apr to 29 May 11 $7.73
5 The Sun-Herald 25 Apr to 29 May 11 $9.09
5 The Sydney Morning Herald (Sat) 25 Apr to 29 May 11 $11.36
5 The Weekend Australian 25 Apr to 29 May 11 $11.82
Administrative fees 25 Apr to 29 May 11 $8.64
12 Goulburn Post 30 May to 26 Jun 11 $16.36
12 Southern Highland News 30 May to 26 Jun 11 $16.36
20 The Daily Telegraph 30 May to 26 Jun 11 $16.98
20 The Sydney Morning Herald 30 May to 26 Jun 11 $26.91
4 The Weekly Times 30 May to 26 Jun 11 $6.00
8 Crookwell Gazette 30 May to 26 Jun 11 $9.45
8 Yass Tribune 30 May to 26 Jun 11 $10.91
Administrative fees 30 May to 26 Jun 11 $3.64
1 South West Slopes Living 30 May to 26 Jun 11 $6.32
12 The Cootamundra Herald 30 May to 26 Jun 11 $16.36
12 The Cowra Guardian 30 May to 26 Jun 11 $16.36
19 The Australian 30 May to 26 Jun 11 $25.91
20 The Daily Advertiser 30 May to 26 Jun 11 $23.64
3 The Sun-Herald 30 May to 26 Jun 11 $5.45
4 The Daily Advertiser (Sat) 30 May to 26 Jun 11 $6.18
4 The Sydney Morning Herald (Sat) 30 May to 26 Jun 11 $9.09
4 The Weekend Australian 30 May to 26 Jun 11 $9.45
8 The Grenfell Record 30 May to 26 Jun 11 $10.91
Administrative fees 30 May to 26 Jun 11 $6.78
1 The Sunday Telegraph 27 Jun to 31 Jul 11 $1.82
13 The Cowra Guardian 27 Jun to 31 Jul 11 $17.73
15 The Cootamundra Herald 27 Jun to 31 Jul 11 $20.45
21 The Australian 27 Jun to 31 Jul 11 $28.64
25 The Daily Advertiser 27 Jun to 31 Jul 11 $31.82
5 The Daily Advertiser (Sat) 27 Jun to 31 Jul 11 $7.73
5 The Sun-Herald 27 Jun to 31 Jul 11 $9.09
5 The Sydney Morning Herald (Sat) 27 Jun to 31 Jul 11 $11.36
5 The Weekend Australian 27 Jun to 31 Jul 11 $11.82
8 The Grenfell Record 27 Jun to 31 Jul 11 $10.91
Administrative fees 27 Jun to 31 Jul 11 $8.13
10 Crookwell Gazette 27 Jun to 31 Jul 11 $11.82
10 Yass Tribune 27 Jun to 31 Jul 11 $13.64
15 Goulburn Post 27 Jun to 31 Jul 11 $20.45
15 Southern Highland News 27 Jun to 31 Jul 11 $20.45
25 The Daily Telegraph 27 Jun to 31 Jul 11 $21.23
25 The Sydney Morning Herald 27 Jun to 31 Jul 11 $33.91
5 The Weekly Times 27 Jun to 31 Jul 11 $7.50
Administrative fees 27 Jun to 31 Jul 11 $4.77
Other Office Facilities
+ Other Office Facilities
Details Amount
Aggregated Total (From 1 January 2011) $54,882.02
Aggregated Total (Before 1 January 2011) $2,477.62
Office Fit Outs
+ Office Fit Outs
Details Amount
Aggregated Total (From 1 January 2011) $178,294.32
Aggregated Total (Before 1 January 2011) $367.67
Aggregated Total (From 1 July 2011) $26,651.70
Aggregated Total (Before 1 July 2011) $46,630.99
Office Telecommunications
Domestic Travel
+ Domestic Scheduled Fares
Details Amount Notes
31 Aug 11 Canberra Sydney $341.11
2 Sep 11 Sydney Canberra
31 Aug 11 Sydney Grafton $652.00
2 Sep 11 Grafton Sydney
10 Oct 11 Canberra Sydney $424.38
10 Oct 11 Sydney Canberra
26 Jun 11 Canberra Sydney $1,946.37
26 Jun 11 Sydney Hobart
1 Jul 11 Hobart Sydney
1 Jul 11 Sydney Canberra
Total Expenditure

Period Expenses (CSV) | Period Expenses (SQL)